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“说得轻巧”与 speakeasy

原文地址:☞ [2018-02-22] “说得轻巧”与 speakeasy

牛津高階英漢雙解詞典(第 8 版)

speak·easy /ˈspiːkiːzi ; NAmE ˈspiːkiːzi /
noun (plural speak·easies)
a place in the US where people could buy alcohol illegally, at the time in the 1920s and 1930s when it was illegal to make or sell alcohol(美國 20 世紀 20、30 年代禁酒期間)非法經營的酒店

看到 speakeasy ,我首先想到的是“说得轻巧”。

汉语歇后语辞典 - 汉语大词典出版社

chī gēn dēng cǎo shuō de qīng qiǎo
» 晋庆玉《英雄的乡土》十四:“苏运铎说:‘说得轻巧,吃根灯草,恐怕不那么容易,还得做番细致的工作才行呵!’”

朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英·英汉双解)(第 5 版)

talk is cheap
used to say that you do not believe someone will do what they say 说起来容易


talk is cheap
used for saying that you do not believe that someone will in fact do what they are saying they will do 开空头支票;说说而已


• talk is cheap 说空话不费力
• it’s easy or all right for you/her to talk!  colloquial 你/她说得容易!


talk is cheap (expressing doubt, disbelief) 光说没有用;说起来容易

英汉大词典(第 2 版)

» Talk is cheap. 说说空话是不费气力的。

Read the Title and Listened the Sample

Talk Is (Not!) Cheap
The Art of Conversation Leadership

By: Jim McCann
Narrated by: Mel Foster
Length: 5 hrs and 28 mins
Release date: 01-21-14
Language: English
Publisher: Brilliance Audio