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头条新闻与 leading article

☞ [2018-06-09] 头条新闻与 leading article


头条新闻 tóutiáo xīnwén
front-page headline; headline news; top/lead story
» 成为报纸的头条新闻 grab/hit/make the headlines; be the top story of the paper

朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英·英汉双解)(第 5 版)

leading ar‧ti‧cle
n C BrE
a piece of writing in a newspaper giving the paper’s opinion on a subject 【英】 〔报纸的〕评论文章,社论
SYN editorial
a piece of writing in a newspaper that gives the editor’s opinion about something, rather than reporting facts〔报纸的〕社论,社评

但是,这 leading article 和头条真的长得很像啊。

柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典

leading article
1. N-COUNT 可数名词A leading article in a newspaper is a piece of writing which gives the editor’s opinion on an important news item. BRIT 英 (报纸中的)社评,社论
☞ in AM, use 美国英语用 editorial
2. N-COUNT 可数名词 (报纸的)要闻,头条 A leading article in a newspaper is the most important story in it. AM 美
☞ in BRIT, use 英国英语用 lead
The lead story or lead in a newspaper or on the television or radio news is the most important story.
» The Turkish situation makes the lead in tomorrow’s Guardian… 土耳其局势将成为明天《卫报》的头条。
» Cossiga’s reaction is the lead story in the Italian press. 科西加的反应成了意大利各大媒体的头条新闻。



the headlines
1. the most important stories in the news 头版头条新闻;头版要闻
» Here are the news headlines. 以下是内容提要。
» The fuel crisis continues to dominate the headlines. 燃料危机仍然是头版要闻。
2. to become famous by being reported in the news 作为重要(或头条)新闻报道

Listened to the Sample

Stick with It
The Science of Lasting Behaviour

By: Dr Sean Young
Narrated by: Roger Wayne
Length: 6 hrs and 56 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 04-01-18
Language: English
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd