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☞ [2018-06-26] 半心半意


» She made a few half-hearted attempts to join in their conversation. 他们谈话时,她半心半意地插了几句话。

朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英·英汉双解)(第 4 版)

faint-heart·ed /ˌfeɪ​nt ˈhɑrtɪ​d; ˌfeɪ​nt ˈhɑː​tɪəd/
1. not trying very hard, because you do not want to do something, or you are not confident that you can succeed〔因不想做或没有信心而〕半心半意的,无决断的; SYN half-hearted:
» She made a rather faint-hearted attempt to stop him from leaving. 她有点半心半意地叫他别走。
2. sth is not for the faint-hearted used humorously to say that something is difficult and needs a lot of effort 某事不是弱者所能干的〔幽默用法〕
half-heart·ed /ˌhæf ˈhɑrtɪ​d; ˌhɑː​f ˈhɑː​tɪəd◄/
done without much effort and without much interest in the result 半心半意的,敷衍了事的,不热心的:
» Congress has made half-hearted attempts at finance reform. 国会尝试金融改革却没有尽力而为。

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The Definitive Edition

By: Stanislaw Lem, Bill Johnston (translator)
Narrated by: Alessandro Juliani
Length: 7 hrs and 42 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 06-07-11
Language: English
Publisher: Audible Studios