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☞ [2018-08-04] 斥巨资

柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典

If you say that the cost of something will not break the bank, you mean that it will not cost a large sum of money. 斥巨资;花费大笔的钱;倾家荡产
» Prices starting at £6 a bottle won’t break the bank. 每瓶6英镑的起价不算太贵。
If you say that something cost the earth or that you paid the earth for it, you are emphasizing that it cost a very large amount of money. 价格不菲/斥巨资
» It must have cost the earth. 这肯定花了很多钱。
run up
If someone runs up bills or debts, they acquire them by buying a lot of things or borrowing money. 积欠(账款、债务等)
» He ran up a £1,400 bill at the Britannia Adelphi Hotel… 他在大不列颠阿德尔菲酒店积欠了1,400英镑的账单
» Many ran up huge debts as they spent millions to buy foreign players. 很多俱乐部因为斥巨资购买外援而积欠了巨额债务。


Listened to the Sample

The Epic of the Persian Kings

By: Ferdowsi
Narrated by: Marc Thompson, Francis Ford Coppola - introduction
Length: 12 hrs and 1 min
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 12-22-17
Language: English
Publisher: Fictionville Studio