☞ [2018-08-23] 词族[3]@牛九
- produce, producer, production, productive, productively, product, produce
- pronounce, pronunciation, unpronounceable, mispronounce
- prove, proof, proven
- rely, reliable, reliably, reliability, reliance
- repeat, repeatable, repeated, repeatedly, repetition, repetitive, repetitious
- satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfy, satisfying, satisfied
- separate, separately, separable, separate, separated, separation
- speak, speaker, speech, spoken
- stable, stability, stabilize
- strong, strongly, strength, strengthen
- suspect, suspected, suspicion, suspicious, suspiciously, suspect
- true, truth, truthful, truthfully, truly
- understand, understandable, misunderstood, understanding
- value, varied, variable, variation, various, variety
- wide, widely, widen, width
- wit, witty, witticism, outwit
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Notes from the Underground (AmazonClassics Edition)
By: Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Narrated by: Pete Simonelli
Length: 4 hrs and 32 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 01-10-18