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☞ [2018-10-24] 再度流行

朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英·英汉双解)(第 4 版)

make/stage a comeback if a person, activity, style etc makes a comeback, they become popular again after being unpopular for a long time 东山再起; 重新流行:
» The miniskirt made a comeback in the late 1980s. 迷你裙在 20 世纪 80 年代末期又再度流行。
a particular style in clothes, hair, furniture etc〔服装、头发、家具等的〕时尚,风格,样式:
» The hippy look is back again. 嬉皮士风格又再度流行了。


noun S or U /rɪˈsɜː.dʒənts/ US /-ˈsɝː-/ formal
a new increase of activity or interest in a particular subject or idea which had been forgotten for some time 复苏;复兴;再次兴起
» The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism. 独立国家的建立导致了民族主义的复苏。
» resurgence in demand/popularity/interest 需求的回升/再度流行/重新感兴趣
adjective /rɪˈsɜː.dʒənt/ US /-ˈsɝː-/ formal
increasing again, or becoming popular again 复兴的;再次增长的;再度流行的
» resurgent inflation 再度爆发的通货膨胀
» Many people were critical of the resurgent militarism in the country. 很多人对该国军国主义再度兴风作浪持批判态度。
with a vengeance
with great force or extreme energy 猛烈地;极度地
» Flared trousers are back with a vengeance (= very popular again) this summer.喇叭裤今年夏天又铺天盖地再度流行起来。

Want to Listen

The Laws of Human Nature

By: Robert Greene
Narrated by: Paul Michael, Robert Greene
Length: 28 hrs and 26 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 10-23-18
Language: English
Publisher: Penguin Audio